Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Spring is Loose.

 Spring inspires me. There is so much that happens in such a little seasonal window.  After a drab winter it can bring on a much needed revitalization. It is all about new beginnings, a yearly chance to start again. These trees and plants have saved up as much energy as they could last season to prevail through a winter which they didn't know for how long or when they'd get a chance to grow again.
Through this botanical patience they wait for signs of spring; and when it arrives, whether it is the warmer nights and soil temperatures or increased day length the plants begin their yearly adventure. Some bloom long before they break bud, ensuring the passing of their genes before consideration of their own needs. All this fresh foliage brightens my days, as I watch the transition from browns to reds, greens and yellows. it is hard to take a walk without a smile.   
 In life we are given opportunities to start again without knowing the outcome.  Much like a flower's growth each spring; if it knew of a frosty morning in the ten day forecast would that prevent it from trying?  How long do we put things off when we worry of the risks and outcomes, could we miss spring because we are worried of frost?

On Easter Sunday I took a walk with my family and  my camera.  We walked the whole farm, and ended up in my yard. Here is a bit of the signs of spring that I thought were note worthy.
The Tulips in my mom's yard had brought out the color for the start of the glorious morning. 

Plum blossoms on green canvas.  Note: Plum blossoms smell much better than pear blossoms.
'Goldheart' Bleeding Heart.  Yet to fully bloom but adding some great color to the yard.

Oak: huge tree, tiny blossoms. 
Maple seeds developing; from the edge of the low ground I saw this tree just speckled with red.  Closer inspection through the swamp revealed the red to be the samaras of the maple providing the glow of red.
Another Maple with its seeds on display. 


The garlic has made it through the winter swimmingly, and in no time they'll be adding much appreciated flavor to nearly every meal in my kitchen. 

Hot air balloon parade to finish off the walk. 
Thanks for joining me on this Spring walk.  I hope your days are full of just enough rain and plenty of sunshine.

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