Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shiitake Revisited...

Time had passed it had been over a year with no development on the fungi front.  Enough time passed that the sting of failure wasn't going to be an issue, sure the inoculation process was a laborious one but that was over a year ago.  There were no signs of Shiitake mushrooms sprouting from my logs but I wasn't heartbroken. Not every backyard venture is going to prove fruitful.    

Then one day in August I happened to wander over to the dark corner of the yard where I had my stack of oak logs setting, sure enough there was progress.  It was plenty exciting to have two whole mushrooms sprouting from the one of the eleven logs I had mostly given up on. With the time, labor and money inputs, these mushrooms may have been the two most expensive ones I'd ever had a chance to eat.  


A month and a half later another cropping of the tasty mushroom appeared.  This time 11 mushrooms, not nearly the 'I shall have more mushrooms than I'll know what to do with', that I proclaimed in my first post on mushrooms. They found their way into my my next three meals: Egg Scrabble, Homemade Pasta Sauce, and Eggs with Fried Mushrooms and Onions. Finally this may have been enough mushrooms to write home about.

One last mushroom appeared two weeks ago, larger than my cereal bowl.  This one ended up being a two meal-er in it's self.

Since this was minimal input hobby, I half expected failure.  There are additional steps that can be taken to ensure a greater crop, some people even water their logs, I stacked them and left them lay.  The integrity of the logs is still intact, so it's my understanding I shall be reaping benefits of this project for years to come.